Dark Moon Magic | Earth Magic Grimoire


The wild ones feel it intuitively, the correlation between the elements, the seasons, and the phases of the moon.

Spring’s airy rebirth is akin to a waxing moon. Summer’s fertile heat shares the energy of a full moon. As Autumn leaves fall, and we harvest the final crop, we’re reminded of a waning moon growing darker and darker. And finally there is the quiet Winter, the frozen earth as still as the dark moon.

When the moon plunges into total darkness, hidden from view, you naturally want to retreat as well. In this phase of deep rest, you tap into your intuition in ways you simply can’t when you're running from one manic task to the next.

Valuing this stillness is contrary to how our modern society operates. Industrialized societies are built for the sole purpose of commodifying earth’s natural resources and accumulating capital. But constantly producing and pushing forward no matter the cost is a toxic paradigm. It’s not healthy for us to sustain this imbalance, to live our lives unmoored.

Worst of all, if you buy into the belief that you must be constantly pushing forward, you quickly lose touch with your inner voice. Your own divine, grounded rhythm is drowned out.

Dark moon energy reconnects you to this rhythm. The knowing of your inner High Priestess and the wisdom of your ancestors reconnects you to this rhythm. Your relationship to the elements of the natural world reconnects you to this rhythm.

The void of the dark moon is your reset button. The outcome is psychic levels of intuition.

When you allow yourself to exist in this liminal dark moon stillness, granting yourself permission to do less (or do nothing), you begin to hear yourself again. Your frantic task list fades into an eternal perspective. In this energy it no longer matters what is externally expected of you.

You become entirely sovereign.

Stay wild,

© 2022 The Earth Magic Grimoire is an ongoing content series from Altars of Metal & Stone. Click here to catch up on past grimoire entries. Click here to receive new grimoire entires in your inbox.