An Invocation | Fire Magic Grimoire

Fire Magic

Fire Magic is the full bloom of summer heat, the lush creative power of the archetypal Mother, the bright light of the full moon.

Fire Magic vibrates with a white hot intensity.

It's both sex and death. It's creation and destruction. It's passion and inspiration. It's here to help you take the lead role in your own life.

All of your springtime Maiden energy has now matured into a full blown wild fire. 

Can you imagine being the first person to discover fire? You're suddenly a magician, a sorceress. You created something from nothing. You wield a power that literally keeps you and everyone around you alive. It feeds you. It warms you. It lengthens your days. It builds community. 

Fire Magic reminds you that you can create your reality. You can even create something from nothing, if necessary. This power is yours. 

Don't shrink when Fire Magic comes calling, wild one. Don't fear the flames, fan them. The only parts of you that will be consumed are those waiting to be refined. 

Allow yourself to stand this fertile glory, assessing the life you’re creating. The peak of summer is not the time to play small, to downplay your accomplishments, or to ignore your passions. Now is the time to burn hot with the full expression of your unique gifts.

Whenever you want to tap into the power of Fire Magic, I invite you to use my personal invocation, as shared below, or to make these words your own in whatever way feels magical to you.

Refer back to this invocation anytime you need to call back your energy and refuel your spark. You can speak it aloud as you set up your Summer Solstice altar. You can incorporate it into your next full moon ritual.

You can pick and choose the passages that feel right at different times. You can, of course, let it go if it doesn’t feel right to you. Trust yourself. You’ll know how and when to call on this magic.

Invocation of Fire Magic

I invite the fiery energies of the South into this wild, holy space. 

May the brightness of the full moon shine a grateful light on my unique gifts and guide me as I nurture them. 

May the sweaty heat of the summer sun inspire my powers of creation.

May this wildfire magic burn and purify to ash what is no longer needed. 

I am grateful to the South for my many passions.

© 2023 The Fire Magic Grimoire is an ongoing content series from Altars of Metal & Stone. Click here to read my post on Wild Alignment, the inspiration behind the full Elemental Magic Grimoire series. To read The Earth Magic Grimoire (published Winter 2022), click here. To read the Air Magic Grimoire (published Spring 2023), click here.