The Luminous Collection Is Coming

A new collection of rings is brewing, wild one.

The Luminous Collection not only features some of my favorite stones, but this is also the first time I’m offering pieces created with 14K gold fill.

Luminous. The title and concept for this collection first came to me in February 2020. Then our world came to a frightening standstill and I simply couldn’t create it. I sat down with Luminous over and over, but it was never the right time.

The past two years have felt anything but light, as I know is also true for many of you. I won’t launch into a gratuitous laundry list of all the anxious mindsets I’m now digging out of or the unhealthy habits I’m currently working to reverse.

Suffice it to say, if Luminous was going to create the magic and hold the energy intended for the collection, timing was everything.

And the time is finally here.

As I’m creating I cannot get lyrics from Leonard Cohen’s song “Anthem” out of my mind. They’ve become more than lyrics, more than even a mantra. They’ve become a sort of prayer as I’m creating these altars:

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Forget your perfect offering. Find the cracks, wild one. Ring the bells. It’s time to call in the light.

I truly hope 2022 brings to all of us a renewed sense of hope and lightness. I’m creating Luminous as my contribution to ushering in that light. I can’t wait to share the finished work with you!